執茶師 - 劉弘偉在幼年時,爺爺經常帶著他上山耕作茶園,學習種茶的概念與基礎。 爺爺當時告訴他:「你知道我們的茶葉為什麼長得既強壯又青翠嗎?」
其實,茶園裡蘊藏許多翠玉寶石,茶樹在生長時吸收了大地寶藏的精華,因此茶樹才能長得如翠玉般漂亮。 當時弘偉百思不解,無法體會這其中含意,長大後才知道原來埋在土裡的不是寶石,而是爺爺的用心呵護、細心照料土地,使茶園裡的土壤蘊藏如寶玉般珍貴的能量,才能孕育出那麼好的頂級茶葉。
所以,我們將爺爺留下來的職人精神,從土壤照料、茶樹養成、用真誠、呵護寶玉的心,將茶葉品牌命名為 - 東方藏玉 - 呈現給您。
東方藏玉商品分為四大類,分別為 :
The tea leaves are specially picked from a tea plantation situated 2,000 meters above sea level in Taiwan’s high mountain region. The tea leaves are processed using award-winning tea processing and roasting techniques that create a beverage with a rich aroma, strong fragrance and full body.自家精心研發的獨特茶品。將高山茶置入竹子內一起烘焙,讓茶葉吸收竹液精華,茶味具有竹子香氣,茶湯濃厚甘甜的獨特韻味,精製出台灣罕見的後發酵茶。
This unique tea is processed using a unique technique developed by Eastern Tea Factory’s tea artisan Liu Hongwei. The high mountain tea leaves are placed inside bamboo husks, and roasted together so the leaves can absorb the essence of the bamboo. A rare post-fermented tea produced in Taiwan, the tea takes on the aroma and taste of the bamboo, and has a uniquely complex and sweet flavor.古法製茶工藝烏龍茶Traditional Oolong making technique 遵循百年古法製茶工藝,海拔2000公尺的茶葉,經深度的日光萎凋、重度的搖青及輕度的烘焙乾燥,精製54%發酵程度的古法傳統烏龍茶,呈現花果飄香、稻穗甜香、糯米氣韻,層次豐富的風味。
Tea leaves are harvested from tea plantation situated 2,000 meters above sea level then processed using the centuries-old traditional tea making technique. First with withering to remove excess water under strong daylight, then follow by heavy heating to stop oxidation and finally with light baking to dry the tea leaves. This refined 54% fermented oolong is infused with scent of flowers and fruits, fragrant of roasted rice and flavour of glutinous rice that yield rich levels of aroma古法烘焙工藝烏龍茶Traditional Oolong baking technique 承襲百年古法烘焙工藝,嚴選海拔1800公尺的高山茶葉,經12次慢工細火烘焙及後段轉韻的焙火工藝,焙蘊出穗香糯韻、醇厚甘潤,底韻深厚的台灣古法烘焙烏龍茶。
High mountain tea leaves from 1,800 meters above sea level are carefully handpicked to produce this traditional oolong using centuries-old ancient baking technique. After slow and delicate roasting for 12 times over low fire including post baking technique, this oolong has a unique characteristic of roasted rice and glutinous rice aroma, mellow and sweet. An aged Taiwanese oolong with intense taste.種植在大禹嶺頂峰處海拔2,200~2,400公尺的烏龍茶。原始林環繞著茶園,在四季雲霧繚繞、日夜溫差大的寒冷氣候中,茶樹經冰雪孕育出茶葉厚質、茶香幽雅、滋味濃郁溫潤的好茶。
Oolong tea is cultivated at the top of Dayuling Mountain, at an altitude of 2,200 ~ 2,400 meters. The tea plantation is located in the forest, surrounded by clouds throughout the four seasons. Due to the vast temperature differences from day to night, the tea trees produce thick leaves that are fragrant and elegant, creating teas that are robust and delicious.海拔2,000公尺的梨山茶園四周圍繞著果樹,孕育出芽葉柔軟、胺基酸含量高的茶葉,因為成長緩慢茶葉厚實寬大,茶湯也特別柔軟甘滑,入喉回甘韻味強。
This tea plantation is surrounded by fruit trees and is located at an altitude of 2,000 meters above sea level. The trees produce soft tea buds and large tea leaves with a high amino acid content because of their slow rate of growth. The tea tastes particularly velvety and smooth, and leaves a wonderful sweet aftertaste.生長在阿里山海拔1,600公尺的茶樹。此茶葉的香氣清揚優雅,滋味甘醇,入口具有飽滿之感,品茗後讓人口齒留香。
The tea trees are grown at an altitude of 1,600 meters above sea level in Alishan Mountain. This tea is light, refreshing and elegant. It tastes sweet, gives a full-body sensation when drunk and leaves a lingering fragrance.杉林溪在海拔1,600公尺孟宗竹林旁的茶園,常年雲霧繚繞,生長的茶葉香氣清新優雅,茶湯甘甜柔順,品茗此茶讓人心曠神怡,潤喉生津。
Shanlinxi is grown at an altitude of 1,600 meters above sea level in a tea plantation next to the Mengzong bamboo forest, which is covered by clouds throughout the year. The fresh tea has a refreshing aroma, is sweet and smooth, and helps you to relax, makes you feel better and soothes the throat.精選台灣高山海拔2,000公尺以上的茶園,選擇茶氣強勁的茶葉,經十年以10加2次的孕製工法,再經五年陶甕蘊藏,製作出深厚茶氣的15年活性陳年老茶。
Tea leaves with strong “cha qi” (life force) are selected from a Taiwanese tea plantation that is located at an altitude more than 2,000 meters above sea level. The tea leaves are processed using a technique that involves roasting them 12 times over 10 years (10+2 method), then they are further aged in ceramic urns for another five years. This produces a 15-year aged tea with deep “cha qi”.精選台灣高山海拔1,600公尺以上的茶園,以三冠茶王的製茶工法,精製烘焙出香氣濃郁持久,茶湯濃厚甘醇、喉韻深厚的台灣特級凍頂烏龍茶。
The tea leaves are specially picked from a tea plantation situated 2,000 meters above sea level in Taiwan’s high mountain region. The tea leaves are processed using award-winning tea processing and roasting techniques. This premium Dong Ding Oolong has a lasting rich aroma from refined roasting, is thick and sweet and leaves a lasting aftertaste.台灣1000公尺海拔的茶葉經小緑葉蟬吸吮,以凍頂烏龍茶的製作、烘焙工法,茶葉呈現東方美人的蜜香味加上凍頂烏龍茶的韻味,獨特風格令人回味。
This tea is grown at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level in Taiwan and is a type of Jassid Bitten Oolong. The leaves of Quifeng Oolong are partially eaten by the insect Jacobiasca Formosana, also know as small green leafhopper or tea jassid, adding a special honey flavour. When processed like Dong Ding Oolong, Quifei Oolong displays similar sweet-taste of Oriental Beauty with flavour of Dong Ding Oolong. Its unique taste is memorable.原茶名為白毫烏龍茶,因茶如美人般美麗,馳名於中外,其生產地來自東方的台灣,固改取名為東方美人茶。茶葉在管理上特意讓小綠葉蟬吸吮,使茶葉產生自然蜜甜味的獨特風格。
The original name of the tea was Baihao (White Tip) Oolong. The appearance of the tea leaves has been compared to that of a beautiful woman. As the tea is produced in the eastern part of Taiwan, it was renamed as the Oriental Beauty Tea. The plant is grown without the use of pesticides to encourage the Green Leaf Hopper insect to feed on the sap of the leaf buds, giving the tea its unique flavor and a natural sweetness.合歡山海拔1,800公尺的岩壁地形,原始森林開發的烏龍茶園,培養出獨特的茶葉風味,傳承百年的古老製茶烘焙工法,呈現台灣大紅袍烏龍深焙濃厚的底蘊。
Taiwam Dahongpao Oolong is a tea with a rich legacy that is cultivated in the original forest of the rocky Hehuan Mountain at an altitude of 1,800 meters above sea level. The tea processing method is a family heritage that has been handed down and refined over 4 generations.茶樹在台灣生長經進化傳承,品種產生了獨特風味的特性。清新花香撲鼻,茶湯清甜幽雅,此風味唯獨在台灣生長製作才能具有如此優美的特色,呈現濃厚的台灣茶味。
Tieguanyin tea grown in Taiwan has an inherent unique flavour. The tea tastes sweet and elegant with smell of fresh floral fragrance. Tieguanyin grown in Taiwan has distinctive flavour and of high quality, a strong characteristic of Taiwanese tea.與生俱來獨特性風味的薄荷香及肉桂香,是台灣最具代表性的優質紅茶。
With the mint and cinnamon aromas cover the taste bud,it is the most representative high quality black tea in Taiwan.